
The Project

C-intereg is a permanent project focused on the analysis of the Spanish interregional trade. It began in 2004 as an initiative of the CEPREDE Economic Prediction Center and the sponsorship of several Spanish regional governments. The project is open to all the Spanish regions and other institutions


The C-intereg Project was born with three fundamental objectives

  • The construction of several databases with reliable, updated and consistent information on trade flows between the Spanish regions and provinces, as well as their trade with the EU and the rest of the world.
  • The development of a web site able to disseminate the results obtained, considering two levels of accessibility: one with free access to the general results, and another with premium access to detailed information, just available for the sponsoring institutions.
  • Opening a permanent line of research in the field of interregional and international trade at the sub-national level, and its implications in terms of economic growth, environmental sustainability, territorial and social cohesion, design quality of transport infrastructure and the international competitiveness of the Spanish and the European economy.


Currently, the C-intereg database contains information from 1995 onwards on trade flows of goods between the Spanish regions (Nuts 2) and provinces (Nuts 3), specifying the origin and destination of the flows, distinguishing between 5, 16 and 30 different types of products and considering 4 transport modes (road, railway, ship and airplane). Flows are measured in tons (Tm.) and monetary value (€). An additional database on quarterly figures has been also estimated, being compatible with the annual dataset. Some other databases have been also obtained regarding interregional flows of certain service sectors. The objective is to continue updating and expanding this information in all its dimensions.

To the best of our knowledge, the C-intereg Project has produced and maintain the largest estimation on the interregional trade flows within a country, obtaining the first multiregional-multisectoral estimate estimated at the provincial level for Spain.

Thus, C-intereg covers an important gap in the national statistical framework, by offering up-to-date information on trade interactions within the country. Additionally, given that internal and international flows can be linked for every region and province, we are able to undertake fundamental analysis related to internal and external trade integration, the unity of the internal market or the measurement the border effect at different administrative levels.

The information generated by the project enriches the regional macroeconomic scoreboard and opens interesting fields for research in different areas of public and private activity. The availability of such information is an element of distinction worldwide, where there are very few databases of equal breadth and quality. For this reason, the c-intereg database is being used in several international scientific institutions in the field of economics, geography, environmental analysis or transportation.

In particular, the data generated by the project is being used and improved through leading academic research related to fields such as the analysis of global value chains through interregional input-output tables, the measurement of economic complexity at the sub-national level, or the estimation of the environmental impact of international and interregional trade flows, by the estimation of the water and carbon footprint of each delivery.

The C-Intereg team

Our working team is made up of doctors and pre-doctoral researchers with different levels of dedication and specialization.

Carlos Llano

Carlos Llano Verduras (PHD)

Project Director

Professor at the UAM Economic Analysis Department: Economic Theory and Economic History of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). Member of CEPREDE managing committee. Promoter and leader of the Project. Its activity covers all aspects of research, dissemination and institutional relations, as well as the coordination of the team.

Nuria Gallego

Nuria Gallego López (PHD)

Post-doctoral researcher

Assistant Professor Doctor of the Department of Applied Economics. Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid (URJC). Part-time researcher at CEPREDE. For several years she has been responsible for the short-term analysis. Currently, her activity focuses on the estimation and analysis of the interregional trade flow between Spain and the EU.

Santiago Pérez

Santiago Pérez Balsalobre (PHD CANDIDATE)

Pre-doctoral researcher

Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Economics of the UAM. UDI Statistics. Part-time researcher at CEPREDE. He is responsible of maintaining and updating the annual database, and the development of the research lines in economic complexity and environmental-trade.

Juan Pardo

Juan Pardo Fernández (PHD CANDIDATE)

Pre-doctoral researcher

Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Economics of the UAM. UDI Econometrics and Computing. Full-time researcher at CEPREDE. Development and maintenance of the quarterly database and the reports. Web manager, also responsible of Visualization and Newsletters.

Previous collaborator

Almudena Esteban

Almudena Esteban (PhD candidate. TEA)


Tamara De la Mata

Tamara de la Mata (PhD)


Jorge Díaz

Jorge Díaz Lanchas (PhD)


C-intereg thanks their effort and incredible contribution to the development of the Project.


Antonio Pulido

Antonio Pulido (PHD)

Presidente de CEPREDE

Honorary Professor of the Department of Applied Economics: Econometrics and Computing of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the UAM. Antonio is the alma mater of the project. His tireless work of encouraging and generating ideas is a permanent incentive for the development and institutional dissemination of the project.

Julián Pérez

Julián Pérez (PHD)

Director General de CEPREDE

Professor of the Department of Applied Economics: Econometrics and Computing, of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the UAM. He has contributed in several methodological aspects, and permanently contributes in the interconnection of C-intereg with the rest of fields covered by CEPREDE.

José Antonio Sebastián

José Antonio Sebastian

Director Gerente de CEPREDE

He is responsible for the economic management of the project, covering relevant aspects related to institutional relations, infrastructure management and human resources within CEPREDE.

The sponsoring institutions

C-intereg is solely responsible for the data and opinions expressed in its notes and reports, to the extent that they cannot be considered as official data or opinions of the sponsoring institutions. Having said this, since the beginning of the project there has been a close technical collaboration between our team and the staff of the sponsoring institutions. The observations and suggestions received from these institutions have been essential for the improvement of the methodologies, as well as for the dissemination of our developments in the media and the business sector within each autonomous community.

C-intereg maintains a regular relationship with the sponsoring institutions via phone and email. Every six months, we gather together in the CEPREDE Semester Meetings. Moreover, CEPREDE maintains regular contacts through the follow-up meetings held periodically in Madrid, as well as with the celebration of the annual Committee of the project.

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Funding Institutions